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About me
That Abyss Is My Heart
Monsters of Love
Where Is Your Brother ?
My Brother's Keeper
The Eye was In The Tumb
Tears With Ecstasy
Hippolyta, Sister!
In The Confines of Fear
An Endless Dream
The Eternal Return
The Embrace
How Does It Feel ?
Sea Dream - The Birth of Venus
Tentacle of Love - In the Dark Deep
Flowers of Evil
Born Helpless
Sur ces débris...
In Your Hands
Femme vitale
Leurs yeux fermés...
Press Review
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Hélène Planquelle
Step-by-Step Process of my Superposition Oil Paintings
People are often interested in the nuts and bolts of art making, so I am going to share with you the step-by-step process of my latest work.
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